Thursday, March 11, 2010

Reader Response 'Mirror, mirror on the web

Lakshmi, you have address a great concern about our youth in today’s society. The thought in western culture that your life ambition is to get your 15 minutes of fame is a sad and tragic concept. I agree with you in the fact that with the inductions of Web 2.0 devices such as youtube, facebook, myspace that anyone can now have the opportunity to become a celebrity.

This is evident in myspace with Sandi Thom a Scottish singer songwriter with her song “I wish I was a punk rocker” where she became globally recognized. So it is possible to become famous of these sites, however it appears to be harder and more difficult than it appears. I feel it takes more than Joe Blogs and his camera to become a success and famous which I agree with you has become devalued and ‘tragic’.

To conclude I feel it’s an age thing when it comes to people having the desire to become a celebrity and that you grow out of that desire when you look at how people like Lindsay Lohan and how tabloid media treats them. This being said web 2.0 does provide a platform and medium for those with the desire to indeed become famous to be seen and indeed become a punk rocker, well at least for 15 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Heya OJ ^^
    it was a fun read! i agree with your conclusion.
    web2.0 has definitely changed the way we interact online, seeing as before it was just our words in text, now we see people utter those words behind a camera and not behind a computer screen.
    and its through this 'instant' interaction that people are getting their easy 15 mins of fame.. cos web2.0 has made everything so tightly networked that it seems almost not to get noticed by at least a few hundred people.
    for eg. a mate on my facebook posts a youtube video of someone (who's ultimately seeking some sort of fame) and i view it.
    i decide i like it so much i want to favourite the youtube video, which then gets tweeted on my twitter.
    now, one of my twitter followers clicks the link and they're we see a slow but steady pattern of hits which will undoubtebly give the 'star' of that youtube video his/her 15 mins of fame ;P

    (btw Owen, i deleted my post cos i wanted to rewrite it.. and it deleted your reply :( so sorry, can you maybe leave me another of her insightful comments? tho my attitude toward the subject had changed 180 degrees lol, thanks buddy!)
